A specialized doctor who deals with the diseases of the lungs, such as tuberculosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and lung cancer is called pulmonologist Diagnosis and treatment are two main aids provided by a pulmonologist to a cancer patient. Pulmonary specialists is an other name used for pulmonologist

Dr. Yasir Nasir Pulmonologist in Lahore
Pulmonologist in Lahore Assistant Professor Dr Yasir Nasir is one of the best Chest Specialist in Lahore. He has a 15 years of expereince in the feild of pulmonology.
- 13 Years Experience
- Fees 3500
- Available today
Why choose Allpatient for an appointment with the best pulmonologist in Lahore?
Allpatient provides you well-experienced staff with successful outcomes. We will connect you with the best Pulmonologist in Lahore who will manage all lungs diseases including asthma, COPD, lungs cancer and lungs infection (pneumonia). Our goal is to facilitate the patient with the best medical treatment at an affordable cost.
What Should You Ask Your Pulmonologist?
- You should ask your pulmonologist:
Briefly explain the purpose of tests you required?
Tell you about the cause of your symptoms and elements that are making them worse.
Describe you level of physical activity that is appropriate for your diagnosis.
How often you must visit for screening to look for ay change?
Ask for prescription if anything can ease your symptoms?

What type of diseases does a pulmonologist treat?
Commonly a pulmonologist evaluate and treat following disease :
· Chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD), emphysema
· Asthma
· Lung cancer
· Interstitial and occupational lung diseases
· Complex lungs and pleural infections such as tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.
What is in the respiratory system?
The network of many organs and tissues in your body that helps you in breathing is called respiratory system. This network includes your lungs, airways, and blood vessels. The muscles of your body that provide power to your lungs are also included in respiratory system.These parts of respiratory system work together and move oxygen throughout the body and throw out waste gases such as carbon dioxide.
How long is a pulmonary function test?
Device called spirometer is used in this test that measures the amount of air blew out of your lungs and mount of air inhaled back into your lungs. To get an accurate measure of your lung function your doctor might ask you to repeat this test two or more times. Approximately 30 minutes will be require to complete this test.
How can I book an
appointment with a stomach specialist in Lahore?
You can book an appointment with a stomach specialist in Lahore by calling us at 0311-6712017 or click here to consult an appointment.
What can make asthma worse?
Many elements are responsible for making asthma worse such as:
· Physical exercise
· Certain medication
· bad weather, such as humidity or thunderstorms
· breathing in cold, dry air
· some foods or food additives
· strong fragrances
· Sometimes high emotions can result fast breathing known as hyperventilation, that is another cause for asthma attack

Is it painful having a bronchoscopy?
Bronchoscopy do not hurt you at all but at times it might feel uncomfortable. However your doctor or health care team will make sure that you feel as much comfortable as possible. This procedure is performed by using different devices that are passed through bronchoscope and samples of fluid and tissue are taken. During procedure Your doctor will keep asking if you are feeling any pain in your chest, shoulders or back.
How did I get sarcoidosis?
Immune system of your body that respond to foreign substances such as chemicals, bacteria, or viruses can trigger Sarcoidosis. Some of the common areas in body that can be affected by sarcoidosis include:
Lymph nodes
What can I expect at a pulmonologist visit?
You’ll be asked many questions about symptoms you are experiencing and your doctor might take a physical exam as well. Different tests will be required by the doctor for diagnosing the disease and recommending relevant treatment.
Following are the tests that might be needed:
- Blood work
- CT Scan
- Chest X-ray
- Bronchoscopy.
What are the things you should consider
before choosing a good pulmonologist?
You must consider the following things before choosing a pulmonologist:
- Pulmonologist’s Credentials
- Experience
- Gender
- It would be best if you ask your primary care doctor for a referral list of pulmonologists
- Do some research on Hospital’s Quality
- Read reviews of patients
- Communication style
- Make sure if your insurance covers for the following pulmonologist.