Dr. Shoaib Sarwar Hashmi
Consultant Cardiologist & Interventionalist
Chest Pain & Heart Failure Specialist
Best Cardiologist in Lahore
Heart attack is world no. 1 killer taking human lives.
Pakistan is in leading figures in world regarding heart attack and heart failure.
We Can Control high blood pressure, heart attack and heart failure in successfull figures in our nationCardioloigist is here to help you.
Assist. Prof. Dr. Shoaib Sarwar Hashmi.
MRCP (Glasgow), MRCP (London)
Head of Cardiology Department UOL teaching Hospital
Consultant Cardiologist & Interventionalist
Chest pain & Heart Failure Specialist.Best Cardiologist in Lahore.
Assist prof Dr. shoaib sarwar hashmi currently working in university college of medicine and dentistry Lahore. He is head of cardiology department in university of Lahore teaching hospital Lahore. His marvelous services includes treating uncontrolled blood pressure , chest pain & heart failure clinic, coronary angiography and heart stenting for heart attack patients. Most important in prevention he is supervising diagnostic cardiology includes excercise stress test , stress echocardiography ,transesophageal echo scan and holter record for rhythm abnormalities. This has given very timely diagnosis for critical heart problems.
He has served in Jinnah Hospital Lahore, doctor hospital Lahore.He has served in UK in getting abundant expertise in adult cardiology. Later he has served as Assistant Professor Cardiology in Avecenna medical college Lahore along with running private practice in leading centres of Lahore.
He has a large number of research work and publications both locally and internationally to his credit. He is actively participating in general public awareness programs and delivered lectures about common public diseases like control of high blood pressure , prevention & treatment heart attack and heart failure.

We have all medical needs covered
- Chest Pain & Heart Failure Clinic.
- Hypertension (High BP) Clinic.
- Resting & Stress Echo.
- Transesophageal Echo (TEE).
- Holter Moniter Evaluation.
- Excercise Stress test (ETT).
- Coronary Angiography & Angioplasty.
- CT coronary angiography.